

Welcome to our research page featuring recent publications in the field of biostatistics and epidemiology! These fields play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of the causes, prevention, and treatment of various health conditions. Our team is dedicated to advancing the field through innovative studies and cutting-edge statistical analyses. On this page, you will find our collection of research publications describing the development of new statistical methods and their application to real-world data. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.




Showing 2 of 2 publications

The use of imputation in clinical decision support systems: a cardiovascular risk management pilot vignette study among clinicians

Introduction: A major challenge of the use of prediction models in clinical care is missing data. Real-time imputation may alleviate this. However, to what extent clinicians accept this solution remains unknown. We aimed to assess acceptance of real-time imputation for missing patient data in a clinical decision support system (CDSS) including 10-year cardiovascular absolute risk for the individual patient.

Methods: We performed a vignette study extending an existing CDSS with the real-time imputation method Joint Modelling Imputation (JMI). We included 17 clinicians to use the CDSS with three different vignettes, describing potential use cases (missing data, no risk estimate; imputed values, risk estimate based on imputed data; complete information). In each vignette missing data was introduced to mimic a situation as could occur in clinical practice. Acceptance of end-users was assessed on three different axes: clinical realism, comfortableness and added clinical value.

Results: Overall, the imputed predictor values were found to be clinically reasonable and according to the expectations. However, for binary variables, use of a probability scale to express uncertainty was deemed inconvenient. The perceived comfortableness with imputed risk prediction was low and confidence intervals were deemed too wide for reliable decision making. The clinicians acknowledged added value for using JMI in clinical practice when used for educational, research or informative purposes.

Conclusion: Handling missing data in CDSS via JMI is useful, but more accurate imputations are needed to generate comfort in clinicians for use in routine care. Only then CDSS can create clinical value by improving decision making.

Journal: EHJ Digital Health |
Year: 2024
Explicit inclusion of treatment in prognostic modeling was recommended in observational and randomized settings

OBJECTIVES: To compare different methods to handle treatment when developing a prognostic model that aims to produce accurate probabilities of the outcome of individuals if left untreated.

STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Simulations were performed based on two normally distributed predictors, a binary outcome, and a binary treatment, mimicking a randomized trial or an observational study. Comparison was made between simply ignoring treatment (SIT), restricting the analytical data set to untreated individuals (AUT), inverse probability weighting (IPW), and explicit modeling of treatment (MT). Methods were compared in terms of predictive performance of the model and the proportion of incorrect treatment decisions.

RESULTS: Omitting a genuine predictor of the outcome from the prognostic model decreased model performance, in both an observational study and a randomized trial. In randomized trials, the proportion of incorrect treatment decisions was smaller when applying AUT or MT, compared to SIT and IPW. In observational studies, MT was superior to all other methods regarding the proportion of incorrect treatment decisions.

CONCLUSION: If a prognostic model aims to produce correct probabilities of the outcome in the absence of treatment, ignoring treatments that affect that outcome can lead to suboptimal model performance and incorrect treatment decisions. Explicitly, modeling treatment is recommended.

Journal: J Clin Epidemiol |
Year: 2016
Citation: 51